John & Becky Knox

John & Becky Knox

Missionary Emeritus - Active

Biblical Ministries Worldwide (BMW)

Moroyama, Tokyo, Japan
Donation Information

Both John and Becky grew up in missionary homes: John in the Middle Eastern country of Lebanon, and Becky in Japan. Both received Christ as Savior from sin at an early age and had a burden to serve the Lord in some way in the future. After a summer ministry trip to Japan, God burdened their hearts to return as full time missionaries, which they did in 1987. Following some years of language study and gaining experience in the church Becky’s parents had started in Japan, John and Becky started another church plant in the Tokyo suburban town of Moroyama. Another missionary family has taken over to help continue their ministry in Japan while John and Becky decided to moved back to the United States to South Carolina in 2024 to continue work with BMW caring for retired missionaries, training new missionaries, as well as acting as a liaison with assisting Japanese nationals who come to the states (there is a growing Japanese population in South Carolina!) to mentor and provide counsel and direct them to doctrinally sound churches. John is married to Becky and has four grown adult children, Brian, Andrew, Daniel, and Philip.

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