
Fundamentals of Faith Class

We are planning to start the “Fundamentals of Faith” Adult Sunday School Class beginning in January. This class will help you understand biblical truths and the fundamentals of the faith as those who identify themselves as believers in Jesus Christ. If you are interested in attending the class, please contact

Christmas Program – 7:30PM

On Saturday December 14th, we’ll be holding our Christmas Program, “Born a Child and Yet a King”. This is an opportunity to invite our family and friends to church to this special event so they can hear the good news of the gospel.

The program runs from 7:30pm to 9:00pm with refreshments to follow.

Cantonese Christmas Evangelical Worship Service

Our Cantonese Ministry invites you to bring your Cantonese Speaking family and friends to the Christmas Evangelical Worship Service “A Beautiful Small Town Story” – Micah 5:1 – 4 on Sunday, Dec 22 @ 9:45am.

Flyers for the event are available on the literature table in the foyer outside the worship hall.

If you have questions or need more information, please email

Annual Love Offerings

Every year at this time we take up a Staff Love Offering for our pastors, (Henry, Roger, Ray & Theo), and our office manager, Hannah, and custodian, Johnny, as an expression of appreciation for their ministry to us. We also take up a separate love offering for our Pastor Emeritus, Pastor Chan, as an expression of love for his 30+ years serving SFBC.

You will be able to donate to online or by check/cash as you would with the regular offering.Please be sure to designate on the donation either “Staff Offering” or “Pastor Emeritus” (No Names please). You’ll have till January 19th to donate to either love offering. Please contact with any questions.

Cantonese Ministry Visitations

In an effort to evangelize and minister to our Chinese speaking community, the SFBC Cantonese Ministry is available to make visits to Chinese-speaking relatives and friends of members of our Church family. If you have a need in this area, please fill out the request form at

Parking on the Streets When Attending Church Activities

When parking on the streets around church, please be very mindful about whether you are blocking our neighbors’ driveways.

Ushers & Greeters

The Worship Ministry is looking for men and women volunteers to serve in ushering and greeting. Please contact if you are interested.

Caring for Our Elderly

There are currently two opportunities for our church body to help elderly members of our congregation. These opportunities enable us to get to know the families, give encouragement and have fellowship with them. The needs are ongoing. Please contact for additional details.


12-07-2024 Ladies’ Christmas Luncheon
12-14-2024 Christmas Program – 7:30PM
12-22-2024 Cantonese Christmas Evangelical Worship Service