
Fall Fest

Fall Fest 2024 will be held on Saturday October 26th from 4-7PM. This is a great opportunity for us to not only build relationships with friends, family and our community, it’s also a time for us to share the gospel! Please invite your friends and family and members of the community to come out and join us.

We will need lots of volunteers to support this event. If you are able to help, please sign up at

Cantonese Ministry Visitations

In an effort to evangelize and minister to our Chinese speaking community, the SFBC Cantonese Ministry is available to make visits to Chinese-speaking relatives and friends of members of our Church family. If you have a need in this area, please fill out the request form at

Annual Blood Drive

We will be partnering with Vitalant again this year to host our Annual Blood Drive. More details about signing up will be shared in the coming weeks. Please save the date if giving blood is something you are able to do. It’s a great way to support our community.

Parking on the Streets When Attending Church Activities

When parking on the streets around church, please be very mindful about whether you are blocking our neighbors’ driveways.

Ushers & Greeters

The Worship Ministry is looking for men and women volunteers to serve in ushering and greeting. Please contact if you are interested.

Caring for Our Elderly

There are currently two opportunities for our church body to help elderly members of our congregation. These opportunities enable us to get to know the families, give encouragement and have fellowship with them. The needs are ongoing. Please contact for additional details.


10-26-2024 Fall Fest
11-07-2024 Annual Blood Drive
12-07-2024 Ladies’ Christmas Luncheon