The Christmas Choir will begin rehearsals in September. Join with us to learn songs for the Christmas Program and for the Sunday Service before Christmas. If you are interested in participating, please contact Would you like to be discipled by a spiritually older woman in a general or specific area of interest? Heart to Heart (H2H) is an ongoing women’s discipleship ministry that is designed to assist you in this area of spiritual growth. It is a 1-on-1 discipleship with a minimum three month commitment. You may learn more and/or sign-up to request H2H discipleship at Questions? Please email We’re excited to announce the upcoming session of our Fundamentals of Church Life Class. This class serves as a prerequisite for membership here at SFBC. If you’re interested in attending these sessions (6-8 sessions on Sundays 9:30 to 11 am), please reach out to There will only be one service at 9:30AM on April 7th. Adult and children’s Sunday school will not meet that day. We will be having Good Friday Service on Friday March 29th at 7:30pm. There will be a time of fellowship and refreshments following the service. Please sign up to volunteer to help bake cookies for refreshments at Our next Evangelism Training Course will begin on May 5th (Sunday Afternoons from 1:30pm – 4:30pm). If you have questions, please contact If you are interested in becoming a member of SFBC during our April 21st Church Family Meeting you can find instructions on how to apply at: The instruction includes links to the application form as well as all other related documents. Please submit your membership application by the end of March so we have time to schedule your interview. Choir practices are from 1:30pm to 3:30pm every Sunday! We will be preparing for the Easter Sunday Services. Please let Stan L know if you are interested in joining the choir. We will be holding a baptismal service on Sunday March 31st. If you would like to be baptized on that day, please download our Baptismal Questionnaire PDF:; complete the questionnaire and email the pdf back to: no later than March 8th. There will be a meeting of all baptismal candidates with Pastor Henry on March 10th after 2nd Service. If you’re new to our church, we’d love to get to know you better! Come join us for lunch (on us!) where you can meet some of our church members and leaders. Feel free to bring any questions you might have or just come and fellowship over food. This quarter’s lunch will be April 14th. Sign up here:

We’re also looking for more SFBC members willing to help pick up or prepare food. If you have questions about the lunch or are interested in helping, please contact