Pablo & Fiorella (Fio) Ramirez

Pablo & Fiorella (Fio) Ramirez

Biblical Ministries Worldwide (BMW)

Punilla Valley, Cordoba, Argentina
Donation Information

Pablo and Fio are serving in the Punilla Valley, in the province of Cordoba, Argentina, that has 15 small towns with no churches that preach the Gospel. Their prayer request and objective is to one day see a solid church in each of these towns. Pablo and Fio believe that local churches are God’s plan for every community and that to have healthy churches there must be a good leadership training. They are leading bible studies; establishing a church plant; training the men to be leaders; and teaching women to teach children and other women. They have also started a radio ministry as an outreach tool to evangelize the lost  and encourage believers. Pablo is married to Fio and has three children, Julieta, Daniel, and Samara.

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