
Hi there! We are glad you are considering San Francisco Bible Church as a place of worship for you. Whether you’re a Christian who has walked with God a long time, a new Christian who has recently received Christ, or a non-believer who is seeking God, we invite you to SFBC. Please feel free to join us at any of our scheduled programs or events. You will find believers here at SFBC to be friendly people who desire to know God, live like Christ, and share their faith with others.


Founded in 1964 by Pastor Sen Wong as a church plant of Chinese Bible Mission, San Francisco Bible Church finds its roots in a legacy of strong Biblical teaching. Beginning with services at Hamilton Square Baptist Church, the first Sunday School class comprised of seven high school girls. Over the years, SFBC has been blessed by a number of pastors who faithfully taught God’s word to our growing community of believers. Our senior pastor, Henry Tam, started his ministry at SFBC in 1999. John 1 teaches that Jesus Christ is the Word that brings eternal and abundant life. Our mission and motto is to glorify God by “Holding Fast the Word of Life”. This we do in obedience to Christ’s command to make disciples of all the nations.